Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas 2007

So Christmas 2007 has come and gone. Overall Santa was very good to all of us so I assume we made the Nice list. Alex received his 3 items that he asked Santa for, Diego movie, paratroopers and the infamous Bumblebee Transformer. Rachel was very excited to get dress up clothes, a Dora movie and her Hello Kitty piggy bank. Santa also threw in some other small items that he knew they would enjoy. Anyone asks him what Alex got for Christmas what do you think he tells them? The Transformer I nearly went to the ends of the earth trying to find, the season pass to Water Country that Auntie Veronica & Uncle Darren got him? How about the computer game, paratrooper, board games any of those? Nope he tells them he got a Spongebob Electric toothbrush. Yup a $4.88 Crest Spinbrush. Gotta love kids!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Let the shopping begin!

We have a rule in this house, we call it Santa's rule. Kids can only have 3 things on their Christmas list so make them count. For the last few years Alex has had the same thing, Thomas the Train wooden train set. Santa finally came through last year and brought it and the thing sits in a tote. This year Alex is going small, paratroppers, Tranformers and a movie. Easy enough or so I thought. See there is one particular Transformer he wants, Bumblebee. And it has to be the kind that actually converts in to the car. It's a whopping $9.99. Do you think I can find the thing?

It started out innocently enough. I was in the new Methuen Target, alone for once, and wandered by the toy aisle. Figured I'd take a peek. There was another Mom frantically going through all the hooks. As I started she asked if I was looking for a particular one. Yup, Bumblebee. She laughed, good luck. Instant panic. There were none. I went to Toys R Us. Again everything but. I asked a clerk. Nope haven't gotten any in in the last 2 shipments either. K B same thing. Salem Target zilch. Back to the house to check the internet. Again nothing. All out of stock.

One last resort...E Bay. This $9.99 toy may end up costing as much as Thomas the train set. Well I won't resort to that but it looks like the cheap list just got a lot more expensive.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Progress Report

My yearly calendar is full of the usual stuff, family dates, appointments, work schedules, vacations and St. Monica's info. One date in particular we were looking forward to was October 19-Progress Reports. Alex's very first and more proof that our son is brilliant. It was very official looking in a brown envelope with his name and date. I couldn't wait so I opened it in the Y parking lot.

Comments like knows all his upper and lower case letters, working on soft and hard vowels, reading at level, excellent language skills. Yep I knew it, stand out in his class. Wait a minute......Needs improvement! Apparently the little guy has ants in his pants. To boot he's a chatter box. All the academics stuff is at level or better and the behavior stuff is all needs improvement. Now thinking back I do remember getting most talkative in my class so that may have been passed down to him. Hmmmm....after speaking with Gail I find out Allen had all the same issues when he was little, the ants in the pants part. I guess the apple really doesn't fall to far from the tree. I guess it's better than needs improvement on the academics and at level for the behavior. He'll just be a social rocket scientist or doctor!

Monday, October 8, 2007

The hike that turned into a mountain climb

We've been lucky enough to be able to go up the mountains a few times over the last couple of months. We headed up for 4 days this past weekend with the intention of some relaxation as well as some fun with the kids. One of the things we have not done that we keep telling the kids we'd do is take a hike. I met up with my friend, Gale, who lives in Thornton, Friday night and she told me of a few hikes that would work with the kids. One in particular sounded nice, easy and we'd get to see some waterfalls.

Sunday mid-morning we headed out to Waterville to hike the Cascade Trail. our hopes were almost dashed when we ran into the 5K Waterville run and were told we couldn't get to where we needed to go. We managed to find another way in, parked the car and headed to the trail marker. Low and behold about ten feet in we end up in someone's yard. Hmmm...this doesn't seem right. Whip out the book to check it out when the guy yells down from his porch the trail head is now at the top of the hill since the construction of new homes. No problem hike up the hill, beginning to have second thoughts now, already had to take off the sweatshirt and I'm out of breath. Find the trail head and refer back to the book. Wide, logged trail leads into wooded trail, yadi yada so forth and so on. Looks good we start climbing/hiking. After a while Allen and I are looking at each other. The guide says this is an easy hike. Easy for who? Another 20 minutes later we're done. We have now climbed about 80% of Mt. Snow going up the ski trail. Back to the guide....hmmm..says there is a trail marker. Must have missed that. Feel like we're on the Amazing Race looking for one of the those stupid yellow and red flags.

Back down about 75% and oh look at that a small brown sign next to a brown tree says Cascade Trail. I realize they are trying to preserve nature but come on brown? This looks more like it. Wooded, yellow trail markers here and there, come out to a clearing and everything is roped off. Trees are partially uprooted and apparently the stupid trail is closed. Are you kidding me? Tell the kids we can't see the waterfalls which leads to tears. Well you didn't get to go on a hike but you did get to climb a mountain. If we hurry we can get home in time for football! Besides I'm pooped! Oh well there's always next year, on the bright side the view from Mt.Snow was beautiful!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 favorite time of the year

Ah Fall, so many reasons to love this time of the year. Kids head back to school, apple picking, the leaves turn all pretty colors, Halloween, Thanksgiving and so much more. Now the real reasons I love fall. Football and Fall TV Lineup. I can't help it I'm a TV junkie. Allen is as well, as a result so are our kids. Rachel told me last week she couldn't do anything on Sunday because football was on. For the love of God, she's 3! Alex has been counting the days until Survivor: China premieres. By the way that starts tomorrow, CBS at 8 pm. I run a couple of reality tv pools at work. Yeah I know gambling in the workplace is prohibited but considering the Admin Office is involved I figure it's okay. We will all be tuned in tonight for ANTM Cycle 9 tonight-that's America's Next Top Model for you reality newbies. Allen and I are hoping Mila or Chantal win and we'll get $150.00 towards frozen drinks at the Flying Monkey. Then of course we have the non reality shows, CSI (original please no David Caruso and I've never watched NY), Law & ORder: SVU love that Elliot Stabler, Nip Tuck, Without a Trace, Cold Case, Law & Order the original ( can't wait to see Jack Macoy as the new DA) and oh so much more.

Now of course we have other activities planned. The kids are playing soccer on Saturday mornings, and by the way, they love it and are doing well. We'll do our annual trek apple picking and probably a couple of weekends up north. We are starting a new Ramsden family tradition where we get together once per month for Sunday dinner. All of the above are possible because of TiVo! God, I love TV!

Hello my name is Michelle and I am a television addict!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Alex's 1st Day of School!!!!!

With his snack packed, backpack stuffed with school supplies and dressed in his school uniform Alex was ready for his first day. Dad gave him a hug and we were off on our way. During the walk I reassured him everything would be okay and he was pretty excited. Once in the school yard I could see the "worried" look coming across his face. His teacher walked through all the Kindergarden families saying hello and answering uestions. She made a beeline for Alex when she saw him starting to get upset. Mrs. Alaimo was awesome, got right down on the ground with him and told him about all the great stuff they would be doing. Smiles came out and he seemed okay. That is until the school bell rang. He looked horrified. He lined up with his friends but then turned and asked me to go with him. My heart just broke. When I said I couldn't he started to cry and well I just about did too. Mrs. Alaimo took Alex and another little girl who was having a tough time to the front of the line and let them be the line leaders. They held the door for their new friends and disappeared with a wave inside the building. Needless to say it was a long walk back to the house for me and Rachel.

Eleven o'clock came pretty fast and I headed back to pick him up. All the nervous Kindgergarden parents huddled to one side waiting for their little ones. Alex was the first out the door. He scanned the crowd and when he saw me screamed my name and ran, arms wide open. I nearly got knocked over by the hug. Beaming from ear to ear he told me what a great day he had and couldn't wait to come back tomorrow. Whew! Follow that up with a phone call from Dad to see how his day went and it was off to the Y to pick up Ms. B.

Now I just need to sort out all the paperwork they sent home...more paperwork! I feel like I have homework!

Relaxation before the madness begins

We just enjoyed 4 days in the mountains, relaxing, canoeing (that's a whole other post in itself), mini golfing, arcade game playing, bbqing, etc. before Allen heads back to teaching and Alex off to St. Monica's. The mountains were great, great weather, great house, great time overall. It was tough knowing the days were winding down until Tuesday when Alex would head off and I would try my best to keep it together. Allen was bummed because he had to be at work and couldn't be there to see him off. Alex kept insisting he was excited, that is until Monday night when he told me he was a little nervous. We assured him he would make lots of friends and love his teacher and it would be fine. He wants Manuel, from the Y, to come with him. He doesn't understand why everyone from his old school just can't come to the new one.

Monday-We got all his school supplies together and labeled them all. Laid out his uniform for the next morning. Made his snack, gave him a bath and made sure he headed off to bed at a decent time. No reading in bed tonight we told him, yeah I know I've got a big day tomorrow he replied. You sure do buddy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Whew! What a start to the week....

So we had a great weekend. Jenn & Rob took the kids, including Aisling, for basically 24 hours. We enjoyed a trip to the mall, lunch, the Spinners game and hanging out with Randy and Kristine before picking the kids up in the AM. Sunday was great as well, especially knowing we had a short week before heading up north for a mini vacation.

Tuesday we had new parent info night at St. Monica's followed by a meet & greet with Alex's new teacher, Mrs. Alaimo. Alex of course went right to the books to read. I got recruited for some more fundraising (as soon as I told them I worked at the Y it was all over). Allen was quite overwhelmed followed by flashbacks of his childhood education. He immediately like the Principal and knew Alex was in the right place. Tuesday should be quite the day. Alex is so excited but I think I have more butterflies than him. I'll try my best not to cry.

Everyone keep clipping those Box Tops for Education, turns out it's a full year thing so I'm basically going to need them for the next 10 years. Stay tuned!

Monday, August 13, 2007

The weekend that went by too fast.....

As I stated earlier, weekend days go by about 10X's faster than work days. I don't get it. Doesn't seem fair. I want to run for office and try and get the world (well I guess just the US) to switch to the 4/3 split.

Anyways, Friday was a alot of yard sale prep. There was a TON of stuff for the yard sale. Saturday up bright and early to set up. Ran the yard sale 8-1 and sold an okay amount of stuff. Made enough for 2 nights out in Key West or 40 frozen drinks from the Flying Monkey-it could go either way. Donated the bulk of what was left to Ron & Patty's church for their yard sale. Big Thanks to Dad for all the stuff he gave us to sell.

Saturday night we took the kids to the beach to play ski ball, arcade games, eat pizza, fried dough and more junk. It's certainly not the beach I remember very fondly as a kid. But Alex and Rachel had a great time. Got a slice from Tripoli's (best Pizza in the world hand's down!), fried dough from Blink's,( No more Happy's German Fries, what's up with that?) lots of ski ball and other games. The kids had a blast, have to say we did too.

Sunday Ron and Patty graciously hosted a cook out at their house. It was great seeing everyone. The kids again had a blast. Jenn decided to invite Alex, Rachel and Aisling over next Saturday for a Princess/Prince party and sleepover. Not exactly sure she knows what she's getting into, but I will most definitely enjoy the night to myself!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Time for some family days

That's what the kids call the days. Alex wonders alot why we have more school/work days than family days. He doesn't think it's fair. I don't either. How about a 3-4 split? I'd go for that. 2 days just goes by so fast. And why does it always seem like 2 days at work are 10 times longer than 2 family days? We've got 2 great family days planned. Almost fell through thanks to my second bout with bronchitis this summer (who the heck gets bronchitis in the summer? Let alone twice?) as well as some staffing issues at the Y but both worked out. That is thanks to Dr. Thavaseelan and some great staff that pulled together and made it work so I didn't have to. I'll update you later and let you know how everything panned out!

Hey a shout out to Sheila and Chris who are moving into their first house over the next few days. Can't wait to come visit and check the place out. The little red heads miss you La!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Not nearly as exciting as last weekend....

So overall this weekend was pretty boring. Allen worked the Y's 3 on 3 tourney all day Saturday, then we headed over to Frank's for the after tourney cook out that he hosts every year. Pretty fun until Rachel took a header into the dirt, split her lip and now looks like a prize fighter. It was then time to go home. We did go to the Animal Planet Expo at Topsfield Fair Grounds on Sunday with Randy, Kristine and Aisling. They made up for the fact the Expo was lame. I'd have been upset if it had cost anything.

Allen had promised me lunch at the Clam Box in Ipswich so I was looking forward to that. The line was insane (people in front of me were regulars and told me 30 minutes at least from where we were). Then I saw the prices!!!! $21.00 for a large clam plate. HELLO! I realize they are (according to Phantom Gourmet and just about everyone else) the best fried clams around but are you kidding me?!?!?! Needless to say we left. Picked up McD's for the kids and grabbed some steak tips from Butcher Boy a couple of potatoes and made ourselves a nice little lunch for around $16.00. And that was for both of us! Maybe I'll get to try the Clam Box in February when no one goes and the cost of clams is like $10.00. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Al's Daily Rant

Ok, did anyone watch the news the other day and see Michael Vick walking into court. The man was wearing a friggin LEATHER suit. Leather! The man is up on dogfighting, animal cruelty and conspiracy charges as well as charges for being a general douchebag, the man has PETA all over his but and he wears a leather suit. Does this man have the Big Leboswski as his advisor (another White Russian over here my boy!). I mean come on. Then he apologizes to Nike, his teammates, Arthur Blank (the Falcons owner) and his fans and acts like it is no big deal. He pled not guilty, I imagine it was like OJ pled not guilty (if I did kill my wife it was because I loved her right?) instead of not guilty, I had nothing to do with these awful charges your honor. I am going to enjoy this trial for nothing else than for the fact he is not a good guy and I will enjoy wathcing him squirm.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Date Night!

So I mentioned in yesterdays post that Allen and I had a date night, with the help of Grammy & Pepere of course. Alex and Miss B spent the evening with their grandparents-who spoiled them rotten by the way. We're talking new puzzles, pizza and Mickey Mouse or Snowman pancakes in the morning. Allen and I headed up to Manchester to a recommended restaurant called Gauchos Brazilian Steakhouse Wow ! What a great meal. If you are a serious eater this is the place to go. Prime Rib was out of this world. You flip your little card to green and the food just keeps coming. Flip it back to red and they wait. 7 kinds of steak, turkey, pork roast, ribs so forth and so on. There are veggies and stuff too but the skewers of meat were out of this world.

So after dinner we headed back to Methuen to go to the movies. Decided on Harry Potter since I just saw the last one on HBO, yeah I know I'm behind the times. To boot (okay you rabid fans don't read this part) I haven't read the books. I know I know. Don't go there with me I just haven't, but I do enjoy the movies. So we had an hour to spare so we grabbed a drink at Joe's and then enjoyed a non animated movie.

What a treat dinner where we didn't have to cut up anyone's meal, ask for a clean up from spilled milk and a movie WE wanted to see. It was a beautiful evening! Not that I would trade being a Mom for anything but once in a while a night out without is nice.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

What I learned today!

1. Having Grammy & Pepere watch the kids overnight so you and your husband of 9 years can have a date night is great!
2. Spending the day at the Mountain House with Grampa & Auntie Lyn, sitting around the table drinking cran-ras margaritas, grilling steaks and watching the kids run naked through the sprinkler is the perfect summer day!
3. Letting your 5 year old son watch an episode of Shark Week that talks about sea lions and the circle of death not the best idea!
4. Telling your 3 year old we are getting her a big girl bed today and not being ready to set it up again not the best idea!
5. I'll take 1 & 2 anytime!!!!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2007

30 Days and Counting

30 Days from today Alex starts Kindergarten!!!!! I've taken the day off so I can recover after dropping him off. He's very excited, completely bored with Pre School. We received yet another packet from St. Monica's, about 10 pages, including rules, regulations, schedules, drop off & pick up diagrams (no I'm not kidding), uniforms rules & consequences if you don't follow all of the above. We won't even get into the tuition part. Needless to say I was a little overwhelmed. I am sure it will all be worth it and I will be sure to post a picture of him in his uniform.

Can anyone believe he is 5? I certainly can't. Tomorrow is his last day of Itty Bitty Baseball. He gets his trophy and the whole league has a cook out. Last week he had his first hit from a pitched ball. He can't wait to start soccer in the fall. Rachel will be playing too! That outta be a hoot. It's amazing how time flies!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Welcome to the Becotte's Blog

So Allen and I talked about doing one of these to keep in touch with all the family we don't necessarily see all the time. Now cut us some slack we are far from tekkies so it might be a little rough.

We figure we can let you know all the mundane stuff that happens in our lives and when occasionally something exciting happens you'll know that too. So here goes and hope you enjoy. If you don't, then don't read it, just kidding.