Monday, September 6, 2010

Weekend Away-Labor Day Weekend

We were supposed to go camping this past weekend, but the possibility of being stuck in the camper (basically a tin can with sails on the end) during Hurricane Earl didn't exactly sound too appealling.  We headed up to the Mountain House in case of inclemenet weather and had a great time.  Here are some pics from out adventures.

On Friday we headed up to Lancaster, NH for the county fair.  On the way we stopped at the Basin.  The kids loved it, so a longer trip in the future is in order.

Working on my Christmas cards, making them pose everywhere.

Did you know this spot is over 15 feet deep?

If Rachel didn't have chocolate donut on her face, this may have been the Christmas card.  Maybe it will photoshop out.

Hanging out on the rocks with the kids

Family pic using the timer

This is around the spot Rachel lost her flip flop in the water, thank goodness it didn't get caught up in too much of the current and Alex was able to save it.

We ended up taking a wrong turn (thank you Mapquest) so it was the scenic route to Lancaster but we made it there finally.  Here is Rachel checking out a cow in the 4H section.

Alright let's talk about Fair food.  It's awesome, usually fried in some capacity.  This here is a fried twinkie.  Probably knocked a year off his life, but man was it good.  I snuck a few bites myself.  They even had friend candy bars and fried oreos. 

Rachel enjoying some rainbow shaved ice

Alex too!

The day after the fair we headed to Attitash for the day.  What a great time.  The kids couldn't get enough of the Alpine Slide.

Since I wasn't brave enough to take pictures while on the slide these will have to do.

After riding the Alpine slide a few times we took to gondola to the top of the mountain.  Not the best idea for the woman with a fear of heights.  Once up there Allen and Rachel went to the top of the observation tower and took some pictures.

Alex and I wanted no part of it and waited on a bench for them.

Rachel, as you can see, has no fear of heights whatsoever.

Following more Alpine fun, the kids and Allen went on the water slides.

As you can see they loved it. Not so much when they got out and the wind picked up and they were freezing but at the time they did.

oops, flipped over and cant get back.

Overall it was an awesome weekend.  We had dinner with Grandpa Saturday night, pancakes at the Sugar Shack Sunday morning.  Played outside, did a little shopping, scenic drives, and an overall good time.  Can't wait to go back.

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