Saturday, September 25, 2010

Canobie September 2010

Every year Bob and Gail give us passes to Canobie for Christmas.  We prefer to use them towards the end of the season, though sometimes that bites us in the butt when we run into cnflicts with other stuff.  This year we saved them for the last possible weekend....and no issues....and phenomenal weather.  Seriously it was like 90 out.  Here are some pics.

Alex in the house of mirrors.

They are big enough now that we don't have to ride everything with them....phew.  All that spinning makes me sick.

The guys on the sky ride.  Remind me in the future not to ride with Miss Squirmy Butt, seriously I'm afraid of heights and she's all over the place.

Driving one of the antique cars

Hanging out waiting for the guys

Still not tall enough for the big bumper cars so the small ones will have to do.

She's a maniac out on the course

Now we hung out inthe shade for a bit and I asked the kids to sit together nicely so I could take a picture we could use for Christmas cards.  Rachel wanted nothing to do with sitting next to her brother to the point that she said send out pictures without me in it.  Then she hid behind a big rock and pouted.  So I took Alex's picture and told her I was sending this one out.  Maybe I will.

After the pout session I took this picture, but she still wouldn't pose with Alex.

Family picture

It;s hard taking pictures of a moving target

Much easier when the ride slows down, however they wouldn't look at me.

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