Sunday, November 2, 2008

Score at the Disney Store

Rachel loves to play dress up. Sometimes she just dresses up and stays that way for most of the day. And by dress up I mean Disney Princesses. The last 2 Christmases, Santa went to the Disney store right after Halloween and stocked up. This year he went again. Just about everything was 25-50% off. So if you have a little one who loves to dress up I wouldn't wait too long because the supply is dwindling, especially after I walked out of the store.

Talk about a bargain, I got the complete Belle set up, dress, shoes & tiara, complete Sleeping Beauty set up, an extra pair of random shoes (shoes are her favorite, she gets it from her Grammy!), an extra tiara, jewelry and A Minnie dress & shoes for $100.00. Now I know that seems like alot to some of you but considering the dresses average $40.00-$50.00 normally that's not bad. Besides the amount of play she gets out of it (and I didn't have to buy a Halloween costume this year, thank you!) makes it all worth it.

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