Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th, 2011

I, like most people, can remember exactly where I was and how I felt the morning of September 11th, 2001.  It's amazing that 10 years later it's still so fresh.  I have read and watched several articles over the last week regarding heroes lost and survivors of September 11th, each one has made me cry.  While I don't know anyone personally who perished that day I feel as though I did.  I think part of all of us died that day.  We lost a sense of security, that we were safe within the borders of our country.  Who would ever attack the United States of America?  Now it's a constant threat.  I wonder if it will ever go back to the way it was.  For my kids, and others, I hope it does.  But in order for that to happen I think all of us need to remember what happened that day, and not just on the anniversary.  God Bless America

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