Sunday, January 25, 2009

Calling all bakers

We have two bake sales coming up at the Y soon. One this Tuesday to raise money to put new hair dryers in the women's locker room. Sounds silly to have a bake sale for something like that but well just like everyone else out there the Y is broke. Now I'm not a big baker. I'll try just about anything when it comes to cooking but for some reason I am intimidated when it comes to baking. I roamed the baking aisle yesterday reading packages. I knew that I would make brownies, those are easy. But I wanted to make something else, something different. I have always thought fudge was very complicated and hard to make. I was so wrong. I made fudge today, and while it's still cooling so technically I haven't tried it, I did lick the spoon and man was it good.

We have another bake sale on Saturday, February 7th. This is our biggie for the YBL banquets. If anyone wants to buy or bake let me know we could use the help.

Here's a pic of my fudge.

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