Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekly Meal Plan

So I am following Jenn's lead and posting my weekly meal plan. I've been doing a meal plan for week for a couple of months now. It helps with grocery shopping. I have a better grasp of what's on hand at the house and I don't buy stuff I don't need.

Sunday-Pork Chops, Rice & Broccoli

Monday-Steak/Veggie Stir Fry & Rice

Tuesday-Grilled Chicken, Noodles & Veggie (Allen will be thrilled to BBQ outside!)

Wednesday-Zatarans Jambalaya w/kielbasa & Green Beans

Thursday-Pasta w/meat sauce & bread

Friday-Soup & Sandwiches

Saturday-Punt Night. Very Busy weekend so what ever we grab before we head out.

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