Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Camp Otter Week 3

This past weeks theme was Take Me out to the Ballpark.  This featured the kids wearing their favorite baseball or sports gear on Friday.  Allen also had an overnight with the youngest boys group.  Here are the Top 10 fromt the Week.

1.  The mosquitos are still very hungry and the Becottes still taste very good.

2.  We discovered insect repellant bracelets that seem to be working!

3.  Alex has given himself the nickname Bacon, now if only he will answer to it.

4.  Both kids love Gaga Ball....still

5.  Alex is finally old enough to be in Mohawk

6.  But Wompanog is still more fun to say!

7.  Russian baseball is really fun

8.  Camp makes the kids hungry and they are eating me out of house and home

9.  Rachel had some phenomenal friends at Camp that she only sees during the summer but it's like no time has passed since they saw each other last.

10.  The Camp staff are awesome including their Dad!

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