Saturday, August 27, 2011

Disaster Movies

In honor of Hurricane Irene (and the fact that I watched Towering Inferno last night) I have compiled my list of top Disaster Movies.  Now I know some of you out there think they are ridiculous, I however love them.  I mean really love them.  I can watch them over and over again, just ask Allen. 


The movie that brought the genre back.  Jeff Goldblum (whom I happen to love), Judd Hirsch (underused actor in my opinion), and Will Smith fighting aliens who have come to take over Earth.  Fanstic special effects and a bit of humor as well.


The Day After Tomorrow.  Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhall.  Love the scene where the tornados wipe out LA.  This gets a slight nod above Independence Day mostly because of the tornado scene and Jake Gyllenhall.


Armageddon.  Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Michael Clark Duncan and probably one of my all time favorite actors, Steve Buscemi.  I can't tell you how many times I have watched this movie, the majority during my maternity leave with Alex.  It was on heavy rotation on TNT that summer.  The special effects rock, Michael Bay is the master at blowing stuff up in movies. 


2012.  John Cusack, another big favorite of mine, and pretty much that's it.  There are more people in it but they don't count.  Oh no wait Woody Harrelson is awesome in this.  So the end of the world is coming, yet again, well not according to the Mayans they had it right all along.  Again phenomenal special effects, pretty good acting, and it's currently on heavy rotation on TV so I can enjoy it frequently.
Posedion Adventure, don't talk to me about the sequel or the remake they can't even come close to this classic.  Gene Hackman, Shelly Winters, Ernest Borgnine, Red Buttons, Roddy McDowell I could go on and on.  Back in the 70's Disaster movies attracted serious A name actors, and were frequently nominated for awards.  Shelly Winters won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Oscar.  Gene Hackman is phenomenal in this and it features thesong "The Morning After" , a little Carpentersish but I like it.


Airport 77.  The movie that started it all for me.  I can remember watching this with my Mom on the tv in the basement.  I was hooked right away, it also scared the crap out of me as far as flying goes.  Jack Lemmon, Jimmy Stewart, Christopher Lee, and lets not forget George Kennedy.  This is actually the 3rd of the Airport movies but to me the best.  Many will disagree that the original was the best and they may be right but I am sticking to 77.  I love the scene where they raise the plane from the ocean floor.  It also instilled in me the life long lesson.....if you get on a plane and see George Kennedy on it, get the hell off.


Towering Inferno.  Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, William Holden, Robert Wagner, Fred Astaire, Faye Dunaway, the list goes on and on.  Seriously big stars in this movie.  Fred Astaire and Susan Flannery won Golden Globes and Fred nabbed an Oscar to boot.  It was nominated for Best Picture, features some pretty good special effects considering it was made in 1974, and again a kicking 70's soundtrack.  It also inspired me to recreate the movie countless times using my Barbie townhouse.  Stop by bedroom in the late 70's and you could find someone trapped in the glass elevator that was tilting precariously from the side of the building.  Classic.

Now there are others you can add to the list, Dante's Peak, Volcano, Avalance, Earthquake and even I am Legend but it's my list so they aren't on it.  I suggest you Netflix any of them (or ask to borrow them from me since I own most of them) and make some popcorn and enjoy your Saturday night.

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