Sunday, July 11, 2010

Camp Otter Week 3

Week 3 at Camp Otter just finished up.  This week was Fantasy Week, with the kids acting like superheroes, princesses, cartoon characters etc.  Here are our Top 10 for Week 3.

1.  When little kids play Dodge Ball they do much better when they hide behind Big kids.

2.  Rachel participated in Princess Training where she learned how to courtsey, dance, make & wear crowns and perfect their manners.  Sounds like Finishing School to me.  Just saved myself a bundle.

3.  Skipping a day of Camp to go to the beach on the hottest day in something like 50 years is a good idea.

4.  Alex hates mosquitos but they LOVE him.

5.  Rachel moved to Advanced Archer after she hit a bullseye in archery.  Next up Air Rifles.....just kidding.

6.  Wearing a Princess Dress to Camp everyday in 90+ degree heat is not a good idea, but 6 years olds seem to think it is.

7.  Alex thinks overnights at Camp rock!  Allen not so much!

8.  Gimp is awesome!

9.  After 5 days of 90+ degree heat kids become extremely cranky and have meltdowns easily.  Actually so do adults.

10.  Jon aka the Professor, who is the counselor of Alongonquin is awesome (according to Alex).

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