Monday, February 9, 2009

Anyone Want to Buy A Raffle Ticket?

Tis the season for raffles. Alex has one at school, both kids have one for basketball and I have one at the Y. So in case you are interested here's the run down.

The ones I am selling are $10.00 each, all proceeds benefit the Kimball Classic Basketball Event. Prizes include an autographed Rajon Rondo picture, an autographed picture of the new Big 3 (Garnett, Allen & Pierce), a 4 pack of tickets to the Celtics & another pair of tickets to the Celtics.

Alex & B's tickets are $5.00 each. They each need to sell 5 tickets. Proceeds pay for the YBL banquets at the end of the season. In all honesty most of the prizes are sports, particularly basketball related.

The St. Monica's raffle tickets are $10.00 each. As a family we are supposed to sell 10, I really don't think that's going to happen but I'll give it a shot. That said the prizes are pretty cool and it's for the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the School. First prize is a Caribbean Cruise for 2, 2nd is a 42" LCD Wide Screen TV, & 3rd is Private Reserve Wine Cellar Fridge.

So if anyone is interested let me know. Thanks!

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