A couple weeks back we visited Canobie Lake Park with Dad, Lyn, Renee & Dillon. Took a bunch of great pictures and had a fantastic time. Here are some of the shots.
First up the Merry Go Round!
Alex being a goober
Allen and I went for a spin too.
Rachel played mother hen to Dillon all night, riding the rides with him and showing him around.
The kids having a great time.
Another of the kiddie rides.
Alex mugging for the camera
You'd think at some point he'd tell me to put the camera away, but he doesn't.
She on the otherhand has no problem voicing her opinion and telling me to knock it off.
Bumper Cars!
Alex on the hunt to bump into someone.
Riding the catepillar with Mom.
Dillon enjoying those sprinkles
He kind of liked it too
Rachel concentrating on her fishing....this would pay off a few weeks later as you will see.