Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Wisdom of an Almost 8 Year Old Boy

This is a recent conversation Alex and I had

Alex-Mom isn't it true that orange tiger cats are almost always boys and that it's rare to see a girl orange tiger cat?
Mom-Yes they are almost always boys
Alex-Is that why we got Bigs? (our orange cat for those of you not in the know)
Mom-We got Bigs because I always wanted an orange tiger cat, and since they're almost always boys that worked out too because I wanted a boy cat.
Mom-Because boy cats are nicer.
Alex-Hmmmm...yeah Bigs is nicer than Bruin & Semi, especially Bruin.  Why are boy cats nicer?
Mom-It's their nature, they just are.
Alex-Oh yeah, like with bees.  Boy bees just buzz around and girl bees sting people.
Mom-You're right.
Alex-It's like that with most animals, the girls are always meaner.  They are nasty.
Mom-Oh really?
Alex-Yup girls are trouble.
Mom-Please remember that when you become a teenager.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Face Painting

YBL 2010

The YBL season for the YMCA has come to an end for 2010.  Well almost we still have the banquets this week but no more practices or games so to me it's done.  It was a great season, Allen and I coached a team together, which Rachel & Aisling were part of.  Here are some shots throughout the season.

Rachel made huge strides this year.  By the end of the season she was hitting the top of the rim, which for being under 40 inches tall is a huge accomplishment.  Plus she played, and played hard. 

First off the line with the other team coming down the court.

At the start of each starting lineup change the kids shake hands.  Good sportmanship.  Aisling exlempified this all year and was awarded the Walter J. Kimball Sportsmanship Award for the Florida State Seminoles for 2010.

Alex doing what he does best on the court, defense!
Team meeting with Coach Doug.  And yes that big kid in the back is on Alex's team.  Alex is in the 7-8 year old division.  That other kid is 8, talk about being at complete opposite ends of the height spectrum.

Defense, but not exactly sure who he is supposed to be guarding.

The 2010 Walter J. Kimball Sportsmanship Award Winners!

McKenna's Christening

So I just got around to loading all the pictures on my new camera onto the computer.  Better late than never I guess.  Here are some from the Christening.

Sibling love

Dillon was enthralled by Aisling

But moreso the balloon

Handsome guy

Proud Grandpa

Proud Dad

The Guest of Honor, Ms. McKenna

Hamming it up for the camera

You looking at me?