So I boasted that I make a mean scampi so I figured I better share the recipe. The kicker is it's super easy. Start a pot of water to boil first. The spaghetti actually takes the longest to cook. Hint don't salt the water until it starts to boil. Salted water takes longer to boil. Thank you Food Network.
Side note-big props to Boston Fish Market. This is where I usually go whenever I buy seafood. The guy there is great. He gives you it straight. I've gone in asking for something and he says nope won't sell it to you I don't like the way it looks. Yesterday where I bought the shrimp I bough a pound of mediums. He threw in a few extra because there was a little ice but only charged me for the pound. Didn't want me paying for ice.
So in a medium skillet combine a 1/2 stick of butter and once around the pan, maybe twice with olive oil. Melt the butter add the chopped garlic. Saute for a few minutes, but don't let it get brown. Your spaghetti should already be boiling away at this point. Add in the shrimp. I shell mine since I hate doing it while I'm eating. Cook them a couple of minutes on each side, until pink but not too long, don't want it getting rubbery. Add in halved grape tomatoes (be warned if Rachel is at your house when you are making this you must guard the tomatoes or she will eat them all while you are not paying attention. If you notice in the picture there are not many tomatoes, this is what happened). Drain your pasta, put in decorative bowl. Once the shrimp mixture is done add it to the bowl, sprinkle parsley and Parmesan cheese on it and stir. Enjoy!