Following the completion of the school year both Allen and Alex are at Camp Otter for the summer, Allen as a counselor and Alex a camper. We are now 2 weeks into the 10 week season and both boys are having a blast, minus some injuries. The two of them are basically walking boo boos. Both are covered with
numerous band-aids of different sizes. And that is only half of them.
Besides all the cuts, bruises, scrapes and one major rope burn they are both having a lot of fun. Alex received an advanced archer award during his second week of camp. He told me he feels like Robin Hood. He
also is swimming, boating, playing sports and overall having a ball. Allen watches over a group(this week will be 23 kids) of 7-8 year old boys. God bless him! This week was Carnival Craze week and
Allen took a pie in the face on pie the counselor day. A nice sticky mess of cool whip he was when he got home.
8 more weeks to go and probably a whole new box of band-aids but more importantly a bunch of awesome memories!